Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Great Writing has FEELing!

by Robert Cosmar

Author, Blogger, Astrologer

Many times in my life I've wanted to write, but couldn't.  My mind was usually crammed with thoughts, worries, or fears -- or all of them together.

One thing I have learned is, if you can focus on your feelings without forcing the issue, something usually gives.

Many times we judge our ideas, or self, too harshly and don't trust our simple feeling process. Not every post or article has to be brilliant, or a work of art.

In a way, writing is like journalling or keeping a diary. You want to share your most intimate feelings, but you're not ready to allow the whole world to see it, especially if another person is involved.  Maybe it is wise not to share their name, however, you could probably use a pseudo name.

My best writing is what I call, inspired.  It comes from within my feelings or experiences of life. Sometimes pain is involved -- but writing can be very healing and a way to unburden yourself, if you will just ask yourself, "What am I feeling today?"

When I don't feel inspired, I allow myself to remember an experience or event in life that touched me or made me laugh. This is easier to write about because it can be recalled in detail and then described.

Writers block is never fun, or easy to overcome, but there are tools to work with that can help us to move forward until the fresh waters of inspiration bless us with their wisdom.

Books by Robert Cosmar:

Big Little Book of Whispers
Trilogy of Awareness
Awareness: Being Fully Alive
The Magic of Love and Intimacy

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